Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is based on mathematics; most technologies are developed using its
foundational principles. Control, electronics, telecommunications, computer science, biomedical
engineering, power, and energy are the main fields of study within electrical engineering. A
sustainable supply of electrical energy is essential for the development of any country. The
increasing penetration of renewable energy sources (RESs) and distributed generations (DGs),
the rise of smart grids, the growing need to improve the security, stability, reliability, and power
quality of electrical systems, environmental issues, the necessity to reduce power losses, and the
development of competitive electricity markets are some the main challenges electrical engineers
have faced in recent years.

Department of Electrical Engineering khoy

Urmia University of Technology with the vision of achieving the level of developed universities in all indicators, achieving the latest scientific and technological findings, making technical decision-making process research-oriented, offering all the courses required by the industry and mining sector in the northwest of the country, enabling acceptance Students in the post-graduate level, promoted to the status of an international and transnational university, attracted students from foreign countries and provided scientific and research services to neighboring countries in 2005.

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