Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering is based on mathematics; most technologies are developed using its foundational principles. Control, electronics, telecommunications, computer science, biomedical engineering, power, and energy are the main fields of study within electrical engineering. A sustainable supply of electrical energy is essential for the development of any country. The increasing penetration of renewable energy sources (RESs) and distributed generations (DGs), the rise of smart grids, the growing need to improve the security, stability, reliability, and power quality of electrical systems, environmental issues, the necessity to reduce power losses, and the development of competitive electricity markets are some the main challenges electrical engineers have faced in recent years.
Department of Electrical Engineering at Khoy Faculty of Engineering
The Higher Education Development Council of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology has officially approved establishing a Bachelor's degree program in electrical engineering at the Engineering Faculty of Khoy, under license number 2/22/76866. The Electrical Engineering Department in the Engineering Faculty of Khoy was founded in 2015, giving admission to the first group of undergraduate students of electrical engineering through the National Entrance exam. Now, the Department continues its academic activities by admitting students to the undergraduate program. The undergraduate program is designed to be completed in 8 semesters. The Electrical Engineering Department has five faculty members, each holding a Ph.D. in power, electronics, physics, and telecommunications. Because of the new requirements in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical energy, and to meet the needs of the electrical industry for well-trained students, the courses offered to electrical engineering students are aligned with the field of power engineering. The relevant laboratories and workshops are organized around power engineering to ensure that graduates have sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical skills to analyze problems. The Electrical Engineering Department provides state-of-the-art equipment in its laboratories including circuits and measurement, electronics, digital systems (including logic circuits and computer architecture), power electronics, linear control systems, electrical machines, and electrical workshops to its electrical engineering students.
Department members:
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