Energy Engineering
Energy Engineering, as one of the vital fields of science and engineering, has a significant impact on the sustainable development and economy of countries. This field studies issues related to the production, distribution, management and use of energy resources; the analysis of the extraction, transmission, processing, conversion and distribution of energy; and the design of energy systems in various industrial applications, transportation, construction, etc., with environmental and economic considerations. This field has three main trends: energy systems, energy technologies and energy and environment. The energy systems trend teaches simulation techniques for combined systems, such as combined heat and power generation, and the evaluation of energy source sites. In the energy systems trend, current energy technologies are directed towards energy optimization and reduction, using primary modelling with the help of fundamental laws in sciences such as mechanics, thermodynamics and power engineering. Energy Technologies teaches various methods of designing energy conversion systems, simultaneous power, cooling and heating systems, and renewable energy system capabilities. The energy technologies are progressing and developing due to the high level of knowledge of various advanced energy technologies and their related capabilities. In the Energy and Environment stream, students study the links between different forms of energy (renewable and non-renewable) and the environment. It should be noted that the study of this relationship requires various tools such as mass transfer equations, fluid dynamics equations, etc. The important issues in this trend are the role of different pollutants resulting from energy and their economic aspects. In this way, the best and most cost-effective energy can be selected and used, which also has less environmental impact.
Department of Energy Engineering at Khoy Faculty of Engineering
The Higher Education Development Council of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology has definitively approved the establishment of a Bachelor's Degree (undergraduate course) in Energy Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Khoy under license number 99/951/1100. The Department of Energy Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of Khoy has been operating since 2022 by recruiting students (in Bachelor's degree). At present, the educational activities of the Energy Engineering Department continue with the admission of students at the undergraduate level, and the undergraduate course is held in 8 semesters. The department has six full-time lecturers in the fields of heat and fluids, solids design, and manufacturing and production. The Machine Dynamics and Vibration Laboratory, the Thermodynamics Laboratory, the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, the Materials Strength Laboratory, the Welding and Sheet Metal Workshop, the Machining Workshop and the Auto Mechanics Workshop are located at the main campus of the Department and complement the theoretical training in this field of engineering.
Department members:
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