Civil Engineering at Urmia University of Technology


Civil Engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the structure and infrastructure such as roads, bridges, canals, dams and buildings. The Department of Civil Engineering in our University is established in the academic year 2010-11 with intake of 6 students in Structural Engineering. During the first five years, the faculty program focused on Structural Engineering in MSc level. However, starting in 2015, the faculty started admitting undergraduate students in Civil Engineering. The graduate levels expanded also into Earthquake Engineering in MSc level in 2015.

The Department has committed itself to the proclaimed pledged of producing quality civil engineering professionals by the virtue of its very competent faculty members and state-of-the-art laboratories.

The Department currently has six full-time faculty members and some supporting staff dedicated to the research and education of around 155 undergraduate and 58 master's national students. In addition, there are also 43 international students currently studying at the master's degree in our department. The research efforts of the faculty members have resulted in the publication of hundreds of papers in reputable Journals and the authorship of several valuable books.

The research fields of faculty members include: Space Structures, Progressive Collapse, Seismic Performance of Structures, Earthquake Engineering, Computational Mechanics, Structural Retrofit, Buckling of Shell Structure, and Water Resource Engineering.