Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanics is a branch of physics that uses the basic concepts of physics and mathematics to study the motion of objects and the forces that act on them. In other words, mechanical engineers apply the basic principles of force, energy, motion and heat to design and build mechanical systems using their specialized knowledge. In terms of the variety of topics covered, this is one of the most comprehensive fields of engineering and includes all the sciences and techniques related to production, energy, motion, work, the manufacture of parts and machinery and the use of various materials in their construction, as well as the design and control of mechanical, thermal and fluid systems, and the analysis and design of dynamic and static systems. Designing, manufacturing, and testing various types of vehicles, their parts and systems, such as engines, gearboxes, etc. in the automotive industry; designing and manufacturing various types of aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, etc. in the aerospace industry; designing and manufacturing various types of thermal, wind, solar, nuclear power plants, etc. in the energy industry; designing and manufacturing related equipment in the medical industry; designing and manufacturing various types of industrial robots, medical robots, etc. in the robotics industry, are just some of the applications of the field of mechanical engineering.

Department of Mechanical Engineering khoy

Urmia University of Technology with the vision of achieving the level of developed universities in all indicators, achieving the latest scientific and technological findings, making technical decision-making process research-oriented, offering all the courses required by the industry and mining sector in the northwest of the country, enabling acceptance Students in the post-graduate level, promoted to the status of an international and transnational university, attracted students from foreign countries and provided scientific and research services to neighboring countries in 2005.

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